

Rotary Club


  1. a local club of business and professional men that is a member of a world-wide organization of similar clubs Rotary International devoted to serving the community and promoting world peace.

Rotary Club


  1. any of the local clubs that form Rotary International , an international association of professional and businessmen founded in the US in 1905 to promote community service

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Example Sentences

Bob Bashara was a married Rotary Club president who lived in a ritzy Detroit suburb.

“I think for sure he will,” said Kit Jennings, treasurer of the Spartanburg Rotary Club, which Perry addressed Tuesday.

And the State College Rotary Club could give its Man of the Year award to Jerry Sandusky.

It is the biggest gathering of tantric musicians in the world, and makes Woodstock look like a Rotary Club dinner.

The Duckman was placarded to indicate that he was representing the Rotary Club of Amwell.

Presently he called on the visiting secretary of the Zenith Rotary Club, a rival organization.



